El’Dad Ice Fishing Trip

Feb. 16th 2017, Marks the date of this year’s El’Dad Ice Fishing trip.

The warm temperature of +5 had staff and participants alike holding our breath as we drove over the un-even surface that is Lake Winnipeg. After arriving to our spot safely, anticipation was high, the competition was heated; who was going to catch the first fish? Who was going to catch the biggest fish? And who was going to catch the most fish? I guess our expectations were set a little too high, as the grand total of fish hauled in was a whopping 2! In 4 hours… The first and biggest fish being a 16ish inch Walleye, caught by a supported Individual who’s a few months into his second year with El’Dad, was the highlight catch of this year. But don’t get me wrong, just because we had a brutal day of catching fish (apparently scientific reasons show why it was so bad, provided by senior staff John Speer) we still enjoyed the beautiful day of laughter and comradery. The funniest moment came when early on in the trip, when long a time participant thought our wiener roasting sticks were kindling for the fire and snapped them all in half.

All in all this trip made for a good day. Special thanks to Neil, and John for organizing this trip, and hopefully next year a little more studying will help us catch some more fish. 😉

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